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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tikus Kotor (Surat Untuk Sby dan Pejabat Lainnya)

Berharap yang tak pasti, itulah adalah hal yang sangat tak menyenangkan. Berbuat jujur dan baik, tapi ditindas dengan beringas oleh para kaum yang mengaku terhormat dan berpendidikan tinggi. Hai para pejabat, kami tidak menyalahkan apa yang anda telah raih, kami tidak menyalahkan anda sebagai orang kaya, kami tidak iri dan dengki karena anda berkuasa, toh kami juga yang memilih anda. Tapi ingatkah janji anda disaat kampanye dulu? atau wajah senyum dan keramahan anda disaat anda turun ke tanah yang becek dan berpanas-panasan bersama kami?

Janji tinggal lah janji. Janji para politikus adalah busuk. Memainkan perasaan hati nurani yang paling dalam. Jangan salahkan rakyat berubah beringas dan jahat. Karena mereka telah anda jahati dengan permainana kotor ala tikus berdasi yang hanya mementingkan kaum anda saja.

Wahai presiden yang terhormat. Jika itu masih pantas anda sandang di setiap anda berkata " Wahai rakyatku tercinta". Kami sudah letih dan sakit menunggu cinta yang anda maksud itu dengan kemiskinan yang semakin jadi, pengangguran bagaikan "pekerjaan" yang baru, kriminalitas menjadi jalan pintas untuk bertahan hidup, pelayanan masyarakat yang hanya melayani orang-orang berduit, hukum yang menimbang berat atau tidak amplop yang diberikan. Kemana arah bangsa ini?

Maaf pak presiden yang hanya tahu pencritaan. Anda itu busuk. Memainkan permainan busuk seperti
tikus di got-got. Anda menyingkirkan orang-orang yang bertindak benar demi kemajuan bangsa ini. Tapi anda bela orang-orang yang telah menodai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan semangat persatuan bangsa.

Maaf presiden. Aku benci kau yang suka berbohong kepada publik.
Kami memang miskin dan tak punya kekuasaan, tapi lebih punya harga diri.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cintaku Di Ujung Utara

Tak pernah terbayangkan olehku, aku akan berlayar jauh ke ujung Utara Indonesia...

Matahari boleh saja terbit di timur dan terbenam di BArat...tapi tidak cintaku...

Cintaku terbit di hati seorang wanita di Utara dan akan selalu terbenam di hatinya...

Terbentang laut yang biru, Gunung-gunung yang menjulang tingg dan gugusan pulau-pulau yang indah...

Disanalah Cintaku berlayar dan berlabuh untuk selamanya...

I Love You Juni love, my princess...

The Senoa Island


A.                Background
Indonesia is an archipelago country which has thousands of islands. It has five main islands such as  Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Java and half of the island of Papua. As a part of the archipelago in Indonesia, the Riau islands is a new province in Indonesia with amazing views. As a province of isles, it is no wonder that Riau islands can give the magic of tourism.
     The nature of tourism object in Riau Archipelago can be one of the most beautiful as tourist destinations. Tourists can get the soul of nature and culture in Riau islands. The Tourism paradise in Riau Islands will be soon become a center of world’s choice.
    The Natuna Islands are a 272-island archipelago of Indonesia, located in the Natuna Sea between Malaysia to the west and Borneo to the east. It is very strategic area, because it is located in International Commerce Way. The Natuna Sea itself is a section of the South China Sea. A Natuna island has a lot of tourism objects and resources. Natuna has large reserves of natural gas (estimated to 1.3 billion m³) that is exported to neighboring countries such as Singapore. Matak Island now serves as an offshore exploitation base. There are a lot of tourism destinations to be visited like Tanjung Beach, Sindu Stone, Masjid Agung Natuna, Alif Stone Park, Gunung Ranai Waterfall. Place where such a location for a vacation the most fun, because the magic inside them that tourists will never find in other places. There are some places that did not get attention of the government or the community around these places less neglected. This condition makes these places become uninteresting and unsuitable places to be visited as tourist destination. In Natuna Isles, as one of regency Riau isles, people can hardly find any interesting tourism object that can be considered as tourism destination or refreshing for family. There is no significant tourism industry. That is because there are less transportation, infrastructure and attention by the local government. There are some places in Natuna that are quite interesting to visit for example Sindu Stone, Gunung Ranai Waterfall and Senoa Island, but most of people do not really pay attention on them because they do not know their potency as a tourism object.
   The writer chooses the Senoa Islands as the topic because the potencies  inside this island are very interesting to be discovered and the writer also wants to recommend to the local government in order to develop this island’s potencies .The Senoa Island is paradise for tourists who like to dive and to fish. To help people to know what the potencies are inside them and how to get there, the writer would suggest Senoa Island as the top option of tourist destination. Senoa Island is an island of guaranteed amazing treats for everyone. It has beautiful view of the sea. This island will give the tourists enjoy adventuring the silence of Senoa Island by Camping, Hiking, Chasing the sunrise, and enjoy a dip in clean blue water. Being interested in this tourist destination, the writer would discuss more deeply about the potencies of Senoa Island and the problems in order to develop this island as one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia and the world in this paper.
B.                 Problems
Based on the description of the background above, the writer refers to appear some problems as follows:
1.             What is the historical background of Senoa Island in Natuna?
2.             What are the potencies of Senoa Island in Natuna?
3.             How does the local government do to promote the Senoa Island as one of the tourist destination in Indonesia?

C.                Purpose of writing
     The main purposes of writing this paper are follows:
1.             To provide the information about the historical background of Senoa Island at Natuna.
2.             To describe about the potencies of Senoa Island at Natuna.
3.             To describe about the way of local government does to promote the Senoa Island as one of the tourist destination in Indonesia.


A.                Definiton of Tourism Potency
In this chapter, we will discuss and comprehend the distinctions and the limitations of the tourism definition and some organizations, laws, and experts define tourism planning that by comparing the definitions each other. The existence of tourism sector in contributing much income to a country is very interesting for many tourism experts, because many countries, which have many tourism objects, have developed their tourism assets more operatively and innovatively.
Tourism has been one of the largest industries in the world. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2008, there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007. International tourism receipts grew to US$944 billion (euro 642 billion) in 2008, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 1.8%. As a result of the late-2000s recession, international travel demand suffered a strong slowdown beginning in June 2008, with growth in international tourism arrivals worldwide falling to 2% during the boreal summer months. This negative trend intensified during 2009, exacerbated in some countries due to the outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus, resulting in a worldwide decline of 4% in 2009 to 880 million international tourists’ arrivals, and an estimated 6% decline in international tourism receipts.
Tourism is vital for many countries, such as Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Spain, Malaysia and Thailand, and many island nations, such as The Bahamas, Fiji, Maldives, Philippines and the Indonesia, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise ships and taxicabs, hospitality services, such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts, and entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, music venues and theatres.

1.                   Definition of Tourism
Nowadays the definition of tourism has been improved and its definition seems to be unlimited because tourism itself related with almost all aspects of human life. Etymologically, the definition of tourism derived from tourisme (Dutch), tourism (English), and kepariwisataan (Indonesian) that derived from sanskrit words pari (many) and wisata (travel) mean travel a lot from one place to others (Youty 1996:98-13). Furthermore, the word “tourism“  literally means the business activity connected with providing accommodation services and entertainment for people who are visiting a place for pleasure.
As the biggest organization in tourism development, World Tourism Organization (WTO) defines that the tourist as people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related the exercise of an activity remunerated within the place visited. (World Tourism Organization, 1999 : 1)

According to Mathieson and Wall (1982) created a good working definition of tourism as "the temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to cater to their needs."  
According to Macintosh and Goeldner (1986) state that tourism is "the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction of tourists, business suppliers, host governments and host communities in the process of attracting and hosting these tourists and other visitors."
According to Taylor (1988 : 55), there are some important factors of tourism :
a.              The journey is temporary. It means the people do the journey temporarily.
b.             The journey is done from one place to another place. It means the people always move and visit from one place to another place.
c.              Whatever types of journey, it always concerns with the recreation. Recreation is an important thing in tourism.
d.             The people who do the journey do not find the livelihood at the place they visit. It means the people who do traveling not for getting money.
e.              The tourism at least should fill of four the objects; it means the tourism must give positive effect.
The word tourism has many different definitions and because of that, many experts and organizations have researched the tourism sector by their own researches in defining the definition of tourism. From the explanation about the definition of tourism based on some experts above, the writer can conclude that tourism is the movement activities of tour where people travel to places outside their usual environment for pleasure and other purposes like business and education for more than 24 hours, as long as the travel is not permanent and not connected with any earning activity.

2.                  Definition of Potency
              Potency in a tourism object has much influence in developing the tourism object become more attractive and needs support, development, and maintenance from any interested entrepreneurs in developing its potency as an attractive tourism object. At least the definition below can be a comparison in defining the tourism potency.
      Hornby (2005:1134) defines that potency is the power that somebody or something has to affect your body or mind. Tim Redaksi Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2008:1207) define potency simply as strength power, ability, and competence.
Based on the explanations of the potency definition, we can conclude that potency is power of somebody of something in interesting somebody’s attention in a particular time.

After understanding the definition of tourism and potency above, we can figure out that the definition of tourism potency is the power of a particular tourism object that can affect tourists to come and to visit the destination area. Although there are so many definitions, we will be easy to comprehend the definitions of the tourism potency as long as we can understand the definition of the tourism itself.

B. Types of tourism
Many experts and organizations have not only derived the tourism sector to find the definition but also to give explanation about the types of tourism based on their studies or researches. By a massive growth in tourism sector, we can accept some new theory and research that some experts have done, and the writer will give some limited types of tourism as the example.
Generally, WTO (1995:27-34 cited in ends. Gee and Fayos-Sola 1997:7-8) divides types of tourism into some forms that consist of the traveler, destination, and motive for travel such as follow:
1.             International Tourism
International tourism consists of inbound and outbound tourism (eagles, McCool and Haynes 2002:161). WTO stated that international tourism differs from domestic tourism.
2.       Regional Travel
Regional travel is regions are geographically united subdivisions of a larger are characterized by definitive criteria or frames of reference.
3.       Inbound and Outbound Tourism
a.                   Domestic Tourism, involving residents of the given area traveling (as visitors) only within that area;
b.                   Inbound Tourism, involving non-residents traveling as visitors in the given area;
c.                   Outbound Tourism, involving residents traveling as visitors in an area other than the given area.
Once more, WTO has stated that tourism has combination in various ways which describing categories of tourism as follow:
a.             Internal Tourism, which comparises domestic and inbound tourism;
b.              National Tourism, which comparises domestic tourism and outbound tourism;
c.             International Tourism, which consists of inbound tourism and outbound tourism.
The development of tourism sector also gives new development of tourism theories and general understanding that experts and organizations have researched. Yoety (1996:120) explains and combines types of tourism into some type, which are as follow:
1.       Tourism Based On the Geography
               Tourism based on the geography is a type of tourism that is derived from the geographic region where there is a tourism destination area. The kinds of tourism based on geography are:
a.             Local Tourism is tourism that develops on a particular object that only finite on a specific or small place of tourism object.
b.             Regional Tourism is tourism that develops in a particular place but it is more extensive than local tourism.
c.             National Tourism is tourism that develops in a particular place of a country or in the country.
d.            International tourism is tourism that develops in whole of the world.


2.       Tourism Based on the Destination
  Tourism based on the geography is a type of tourism that is derived from the tourists’s motivation when they are visiting a tourism destination area. The kinds of tourism based on the destination are:
a.             Educational tourism is tourism that simply is done to study or analyze a specific science purpose.
b.             Vacational Tourism is tourism that simply is done by tourists who are being vacation.
c.             Business tourism is tourism that simply done by tourists come on planning their official duty purpose, business etc.
3.       Tourism Based on the Visiting Time
   Tourism based on the geography is a type of tourism that is derived from the time when tourists visit a tourism destination area. The kinds of tourism based on the visiting time area:
a.             Seasonal Tourism is tourism that is done by tourists in a specific time, especially in a particular season such as summer tourism and winter tourism.
b.             Occasional Tourism is tourism that is done related to an occasion or an event.

4.       Tourism Based On the Object
   Tourism based on the geography is a type of tourism that is derived from kind of a tourism object. The kinds of tourism based on the object are:
a.             Religious Tourism is tourism that refers simply to go to see art, and religious fascination.
b.             Cultural Tourism is tourism that refers simply to go see ritual, art, culture, and customary fascination.
c.       Medical Tourism is tourism that refers simply to treat disasters medically to a particular place.
d.      Natural Tourism is tourism that refers simply to see or enjoy natural scenery of mountain, lake, river, forest etc.
e.       Sport Tourism is tourism that refers simply to go to see particular sport ceremonial.
In some experts’ researches, many types of tourism have been separated into some specific types, and some of experts’ theories have the same and the different idea about the types of tourism. However, the types of tourism, that the writer has already given, can we use as generally reference of tourism types.
C.      Components of Tourism
   Like an organization or a company, in tourism industry there also have some components or media support the development of the tourism object become more attractive because of its specific characteristic. The components of tourism has primer role in developing a tourism object becoming more attractive.
   Gee and Fayos-Sola (1997: 13-16) have mentioned at least four components of travel industry, which are as follow:
a.                   Transportation and Infrastructure
They mention that transportation consists of airport terminals, harbors, and road systems, then infrastructure consist of water supply, electric power, telecommunication etc.
b.                  Accomodation and Hospitality Services
Particularly, the accomodation are between hotel and motel, and hospitality services consist of food and beverage, and support services such as souvenir shop, laundry facilities etc.
c.                   Travel Distribution Systems
Travel distribution systems consist of direct distributor and indirect distributor, and involve a process, which begins with the buyer or customer.
d.                  The Roles of the Public and Private Sectors in Tourism
Generally, some government’s organizations that interested in developing a tourism destinations as the object of tourism activities handle the roles of the public and private sectors in tourism.
Further, Suyitno (2005:18) mentions that the important tourism components in a tourism destination are:
                                            i. Transportation (such as facilities, cost, and location)
                                          ii. Food and beverage (such as restaurants)
                                        iii. Entertainments
                                        iv. Souvenir shops
                                          v. Tourism objects and attractions
                                        vi. Accomodation (such as hotel, and motel)
In planning a new object as tourism destination, entrepeneurs have to make more attention to these components as inseparable aspects if their efforts in developing a tourism object can attract many tourists to the destination area. These kinds of tourism components have the primary sector in every tour and travel offer and in planning and developing new tourism object.
D.      Impact of Tourism
   Every decision, especially when we are going to develop an object of tourism becomes a tourism destination, has many risks. Many countries have faced and felt the impacts of the tourism. The impacts of tourism can also influence many primarily aspects (such as economic growth, cultural enculturation, etc) in a country and it cannot be hidden because those impacts have powerful images in each country.
The limited explanation of the tourism impacts according to Kreag (2001:5-11) are as follow:
Ø   The impact of tourism on economy relates to business and economic growth.
Ø   The impact of tourism on environmental relates to pollution of oceans, lakes, mountains, and to flora and fauna.
Ø   The impact of tourism on social and cultural relates to the acculturation.
Ø   The impact of tourism on crowding and congestion relates to develop around specific locations and concentrates there, providing growth yet avoiding sprawl. The impact of  urbanization because the tourists stayed in the destination area for long time.
In his study, Kreag adds that there are two sources of the tourism impacts that consist of tourist factor that bring the impact to the destination area and destination factor that is a part of destination factor such as tourism linkage and circulation. We can draw these two sources of the tourism impacts such as follow:

Table 2.1:
Factors influencing interactions between tourists, residents, host community, and environment
Tourist Factors
Destination Factors
1. Number and type of visitors
2. Length of stay
3. Mass arrivals and departures
4. Links to community residents
5. Ethnic/racial characteristics
6. Economic characteristics
7.  Activities selected
8. Ability to speak local language or accents
1. Local economic condition
2. diversification of the economy
3. Degree of involvement in tourism
4. Attitudes of tourism leaders
5. Spatial characteristics of tourism development
6. Viability of the host culture
7. History of stability in the community
8. Pace of tourism development
9. Fragility of the environmnent used by tourists
10. Public transportation option

: Kreag (2001:13)

A.        Natuna at a Glance
Natuna is one of the regencies in Riau Province. It is located in South China Sea between 20  to 50 North latitude and 1040 to 1100 East longitude. The regency is surounded by several neighboring countries: Malaysia, Brunei Darusalam, The Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and singapore. The Natuna Regency governs 7 District: West Bunguran, East Bunguran, Serasan, Midai, Jemaja, Siantar, and Palmatak. The land area of the regency is aproximately 3,235 m2. The major islands: Bunguran or Natuna island, Jemaja island, and Serasan island. Ranai in East Bunguran is the capital city. The geological condition is mainly highland. The highest mountain in Natuna island is Mt. Ranai of  959  meters from the sea level. The local climate is very  influenced by the changing of wind direction. Bad weather characterized by severe heavy rain and flooding occurs during November to February. Average temperatur is 2 degrees Celcius at night and 28 degrrees Celciusd at day, thge relative humidity is 85 percents. The land offers gorgeous picturesque scenery of beaches and mountainous tropical forest. Various typical tropical fruits, vegetables, and plantations are also grown.
There are a lot of  tourism objects in Natuna island that are quite interesting to visit such as  Tanjung Beach, Cemaga Beach, Kambing Island, Setanau Island Gunung Ranai Waterfall, Sindu Stones, Alif Stone Park and Senoa Island. The writer choses  the Senoa Island as the topic in this paper, because there are many interestings activities and views to do and to see. The potencies inside the Senoa Island as tourism object are very interesting to be discovered.
1.         The Historical Background of Senoa Island at Natuna
Senoa Island has a story from the local people. It is called Senoa because once upon time, there lived a poor fisherman. His name was Baitusen. His wife’s name was Mai Lamah. They lived in Natuna, Riau. They were so poor and they were not satisfied with their lives. They decided to go to another island. They planned to go to Bunguran Island. The island was rich with the natural resources. They hoped their lives would be better. They wanted to be rich. When they arrived in Bunguran Island, they were so happy. The people were very nice and friendly. They were kind and helped each other. They also helped Baitusen build his house. Baitusen and Mai Lamah were also happynto live in Bunguran Island. They were so grateful. The people did not treat them differently although they were new comers on the island. One of the people in Bunguran island was Mak Semah She was a midwife. He helped pregnant women in childbirth. Besides that, she also helped sick people. “Remember, whenever you are not feeling well, do not hesitate to call me”, said Mak Semah to Mai lamah. Baitusen worked very hard. He really wanted to be rich. He never complained. His work hard finally gave him great wealth. Slowly he became very rich. He build bigger house. His wife also started to buy jewelries. Mai Lamah changed her appearances. She wanted to look like rich woman. She did not want to look dirty and poor. Sadly, it was not only her appearance that changed. Her attitude also changed. Previously, she was a nice and kind woman, but after she became rich, she arrogant to everyone. She did not want to get along with her neighbours anymore. In one night, Mak Semah went to Baitusen’s house. She wanted to ask for some rice to cook. She was poor. She hoped that Baitusen could help her. “ Please help me. May i have some rice? I’m so hungry and i don’t have money to buy rice” said Mak Semah. Mai Lemah was upset. “ What? If you have to some rice, you have to buy, and if you don’t have any money, you ahve to work. No, i don’t want to help you. “ But, i really don’t have any money. And i’m too old to work”. Said Mak Semah. “ I don’t care. Now, go away!”
Mai Lamah’s bad behaviour made the people hate her. However, she did not care. Indeed, she felt very happy when the people did not talk to them. So, they did not disturb her anymore. Mai Lamah and Baitusen were happy. Mai Lamah was pregnant. They soon would have a baby. And finally it was time for Mai Lamah to deliver her baby. She was in great pain. Baitusen asked Mak Semah to help his wife. But she refused to help. He asked other neighbors to help, but they also refuse to help. “Don’t worry. Let’s go another island. I’m sure the people there will help us” said Baitusen to Mai Lamah.
“ Okay, but don’t forget to bring our jewelries,” said Mai Lamah. Then, they were sailing in their ship. It was loaded with their wealth.
Unfortunately, their journey was not in the good condition. There was a great storm. Thunder attacked their ship. They were asking for help, but no one helped them. Slowly their ship was sinking. Mai Lamah’s body turned into a big stone. Slowly the stone turned into an island that people named it Senua (local people called it). Senua means one person with two bodies. Meanwhile her jewelries turned into swallow birds. Until now, Bunguran island is known as home for swallow birds.
2.         The Potencies of Senoa Island at Natuna
There are many potencies and resources in Natuna island, especially in Senoa Island. But, first the writer will discuss about the resources in Natuna.
A.      The Resources of Natuna Islands
Natuna consist of many of these remote, small and uninhabited islands. Natuna is not among the most visited tourist destinations in Indonesia, and the access to this remote island is not so straightforward. Natuna can however offer unspoiled beaches and a landscape and a culture that is absolutely worth a visit. The islands are known for lovely woven textiles and their traditional dance. The Natuna islands are spread over a wide area, located in the South China Sea between east and west Malaysia, Kalimantan and Singapore( see figure 1)
The main groups of islands are Anambas to the west, Natuna, south Natuna and Tambelan. None of the islands has many facilities for travelers, but this is an excellent destination if you like to explore areas outside the main "tourist highway". One of the largest natural gas fields in the world has been found here, The Natuna gas field in the North and South Natuna archipelago is believed to have 222 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in reserve, 46 trillion of this can be recovered. In the future the Natuna Natural Gas Project will be very important for Indonesia's economy. We can only hope that the oil and gas industry will not have too negative consequences for the environment here. The Local government should take care seriously about theese pontencies in order to keep the nature of the tourism objects in Natuna.
2.       The Paradise of Senoa Island
The Senoa Island is located near the capital city of Natuna, Ranai. It just 45 minutes to reach it. The tourists can use car and motorcycle to get there. After that  the tourists continue their trip by small ship or pompong the local people called it.The Senoa Island has many interesting things that the tourists can do. They can adventure the silence of this island by camping, hiking, chasing the sunrise, and enjoy a dip in clear blue water  (see figure 2 and 3 ).
The rocks that still natural is good for who likes to fish and to dive. Remarkable beauty of whity sandy along the beach (see Figure 4), clear blue water make the tourists like in paradise. The tourists also can rent the small ship (Pompong) to look around the island and fishing with an amazing sunset at the sea. There is a small villa in the Senoa Island for the tourists want to stay there for couple days to see the amazing views at the night. Tourists also can enjoy the sunbathe when the weather is sunny. But when the raining season is coming, it is not good to be there. Because the wind is very strong and the big wave is not good for the small ship to travel around the sea.
The best things that the tourists can see when they arrive in Natuna Island are the local people can keep clean and keep away from the pollution. Almost all the tourism objects in Natuna are still nature and keep away from the destruction. It is a good promotions to other places that the best tourism object is still nature and clean from any pollution.

3.           The Way of Local Government to Promote the Senoa Island at Natuna as one of the Tourist Destination in Indonesia
The Senoa Island has carried out several ways of promotions to get attention from the local and international tourists such as advertising through brochure and mass media like Website and Newspaper. The local government has own Website to promote the Senoa Island at and for furder information, the tourists also can get from Directorate for Business Services, Agency for Development of Natuna Island, BPPT Building, Gedung 1 Lt.11, Jl. M.H Thamrin No.8 Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, phone number (021) 3168433-52, fax. (021) 3141278.
The local government give more attentions for the development of infrastructure, tansportation, hotel and information in order to bring more tourists to visit the Natuna island, especially the Senoa Island.
As a new regency of Riau Islands, Natuna Regency developes faster than other regencies in Riau Islands province. This is a big opportunity to develope Natuna Regency and get more incomes from tourism sites in Natuna Regency. Especially Senoa Island as one of the tourists destination at Natuna that located very strategic. It is also good promotion  when the gass project is signed by the Indonesian government with the strange investor. They will see in reality and they will promote it by themselves to their family and friends.
The tourists can get to the Natuna by direct flight from Batam, Tanjung Pinang, Pekanbaru and Pontianak. And if the tourists  want to use ship, the tourists can use direct ship from Jakarta, Tanjung Pinang, Pontianak, and Surabaya.  

A.        Conclusion
The writer concludes that Senoa Island at Natuna is a very interesting as one of the tourist destination in Natuna Island and in Indonesia. As we have discussed in chapter III, the Senoa Island is still can develop become more interesting and can be the top suggestion to visit.
Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer concludes that:
1.       Senoa Island is one of the greatest nature in Natuna that still less get attention from the local or international tourists because the local  government is still developing and find the best way to promote and develop the tourism in Natuna, especially the Senoa Island.
2.       Senoa Island has many interesting things and amazing views. Its potencies should be discovered in order to attract more tourists come to the Senoa Island. It is hard to find the tourism object that still nature and clean from the pollution and rubbish. The local people also give attention to keep the Senoa Island is clean and destroy from any factors, especially human.
3.         The local government has several ways to promote the tourism objects in Natuna such as brochure and mass media like newspaper. But the local government of Natuna regency also has own Website. The Website is and for furder informations, the tourist also can get from Directorate for Business Services, Agency for Development of Natuna Island, BPPT Building, Gedung 1 Lt.11, Jl. M.H Thamrin No.8 Jakarta 10340, Indonesia, phone number (021) 3168433-52, fax. (021) 3141278.
All about Senoa Island in this paper is done. The writer hopes that all the informations and the guides to attract the tourists come and see the Senoa Island will be accomplished.
B.        Suggestion
Referring to the conclusion